

Exercise Database
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Today was a great workout!  Five of my clients were there, so my plan worked out pretty much as i had wanted.  We paired up.  The workout was broken down into three "revolutions," each lasting roughly 15 minutes.  Each "station" lasted one minute, with 30 seconds transition in between stations.  The pairs went from one station to the next and then rested about a minute after completing one "revolution."


A.  partner resisted running - one person stands behind the other and holds the handles of a resistance band with the tubing placed around the other person's waist; the leader jogs, while the other person provides a little resistance by jogging behind them and slightly leaning back

B.  jump rope - plain and simple

C.  2-cone shuffle & touch - a lateral shuffle from one cone to the other, staying low and reaching to touch the cone with the inside hand upon reaching one side.


A.  bodybar sumo front squats - used 18-24 lb bodybars, placed across front of shoulders; wider stance than a normal squat, with toes out ~45 degrees.

B.  stability ball bodybar presses - chest presses lying supine on the ball.

C.  long jumps - make like a frog!


A.  dumbbell squat curl & press - keeping a neutral grip, squat down, then stand up and perform a biceps curl at same time, then press overhead in one continuous motion.

B.  partner tubing pull - using the JC bands (basically resistance bands with a strap/connector at one end and 2 separate bands w/handles); one person is the "anchor", holding the tubing, while the other performs staggered stance rows; both people must keep their abs tight, so both are working!

C.  lateral step-ups - using a 24' step, keeping one foot anchored on top, and stepping up and down sidewayswith the other.