"Outside the Box" Training


Sarah Recommends
Background & Experience
RIPT Revolution Workouts

July 19, 2006 - UPDATE

Summertime is typically "starvation time" for trainers. :)  With school being out and vacations being priority for many people, workouts tend to be the least important thing.  If you have wanted to jump-start your workout program but haven't seemed to be able to find the time, now may be time to get things going!  My schedule is a lot more flexible during the summer months!  Give me a call!


May 3, 2006 - NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!!!

I realized I haven't jotted down a few updates here...have been swamped with things lately!  Everything is going very well, and I am pleased to say that my first round of Boot Camp was a success...so much, in fact, that I was pretty overwhelmed at the response to my second Boot Camp launch!  I am currently working with two groups - 5:30am and 10:15am, and both are going through workouts on M/W/F.  The structure of the program has changed somewhat, as we are training for four weeks instead of eight this go-round...and are working out three times per week.  There are 15 boot campers in the 5:30 group, and eight in the 10:15 group!  Everyone is kickin' major butt and hangin' in there!

I am pleased to say that I will be incorporating kettlebell training into many of my clients' routines (as well as my own).  I am JAZZED!!!  Talk about an intense workout!  Are you ready?  If you are curious about kettlebell training, or have no clue what i'm talking about...send me an email! :)

Posted more writings on my "articles" page...most of which are previous newsletters and my 'ramblings.'  Check 'em out!


January 18, 2006 - BOOT CAMP KICKOFF WEEK!

The first official GI Jane Boot Camp workout was this Monday at 5:30 am.  Despite it being so early in the morning, the Monday group hung in there and had an awesome workout!  I have heard nothing but "good" comments from those who took part - a little soreness in all the right places!  The Wednesday group began this morning at 5:30 as well.  Another great workout!  I have designed the Boot Camp workouts to be challenging and fun, full of exercises that challenge the entire body.  I know each of the "recruits" will make progress over the next two months! 

Yes...the 5:30 am time is EARLY!  I will be getting acclimated to the early time just like the boot campers!  I admit to hitting the snooze this morning at 4:30 am! 

On a related note, only Boot Camp participants have access to a "top secret" webpage that is linked to my site.  This "info base" is full of daily updates, workout details and exercise descriptions/pictures, as well as nutrition info and motivation!

So...it looks like Boot Camp is destined to be a success!  If you want to jump into the next round of training, email me at fitprosarah@yahoo.com!

January 2, 2006 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Check out my latest article, "Is Your Training Optimized?", posted on my "Articles" page.  Here is the first paragraph:

     Another new year is now in effect, and with it comes the traditional practice of making resolutions. Although we all make different resolutions, it is apparent that a great number of people resolve to get in shape. January is the month that health clubs count on year after year. New members sign up and pay their dues, full of motivation and the best of intentions. A month or two later, those once-excited individuals have fallen through the cracks, frustrated with a lack of progress. As a fitness professional, it is my job to ensure that those new to the world of exercise receive the best instruction and guidance. Continued success depends on proper planning, and this is extremely vital when one is just getting started with an exercise program!

December 29, 2005

Well...2005 is almost gone, and 2006 is just around the corner.  What are you gonna do about it? :)  What am I gonna do?  Well, to start the list, I will be recruiting clients to take part in

PRIVATE PILATES SESSIONS!  I am required to complete many hours of working with individuals for FREE!  Yes, you read that correctly...until I complete this requirement, you can train on the Reformer with me at no charge!

To start January off with a BANG, I am launching my own

BOOT CAMP program!  It will run for eight weeks, starting mid-month.  "Recruits" will be required to report weekly for an intense, calorie-burning, hard-body workout.  In addition, "assignments" will be given out for the upcoming week.  Healthy nutrition will be a component of the program, and recruits will be required to log both their daily food intake as well as their weekly workouts.  If you are interested, give me a call! 


or, shoot me an email...I will be glad to answer your questions!  Right now I am looking at holding the weekly workout on either Saturday or Sunday afternoons.  I want to schedule the training hour at a time that is convenient for everyone.  I also want to make sure that we have full access to the HUGE aerobics room at Women In Motion, as well as a less-crowded weight room.  Weekends are typically slower in the gym, and realizing that the "New Year's rush" is about to hit, it will be next to impossible to arrange a high-intensity, focused workout in a crowded gym!  I also would like to take my group outdoors here and there, weather permitting.  So...I know weekends are meant for relaxation, but think of it this way - what's better than the feeling of pure exhilaration post-workout coupled with a huge sense of accomplishment? :)  The workout will last one hour...if you can give me one hour of your day, I promise you won't be disappointed! 

RIPT REVOLUTION WORKOUT MANUALS are in the works as well.  Keep checking my site for updates.  I plan to offer the manuals as e-books and taking payments online.  I will also accept payment in person from those who live here in the Baton Rouge area.  If you are looking for a structured, progressive, butt-kicking workout, then you definately will want to get your hands on what i'm cooking up!

PERSONAL TRAINING - I am looking to "round out" my schedule with new clients!  If you have been thinking about working with a trainer, THIS IS THE TIME!  What better time of year than New Year's?  Kick your resolutions into high gear...better yet, REACH YOUR RESOLUTIONS FOR ONCE!  Don't just set 'em...follow through with 'em!  Hop on the bandwagon to better health, decreased body fat, and increased energy!

More to come!  HAPPY 2006!


November 13, 2005

I am excited to announce that I will soon be adding Pilates to my programs!  I am also pleased to announce that I will be bringing my fitness "revolution" to the masses via the internet in the near future...I just need a little time to get things lined up! :)  I am also planning to be involved in organizing a Bootcamp program through Spectrum Fitness here in Baton Rouge.  There is so much to do, and so little time!  Be sure to check out the Workouts/Articles link monthly, as I update the PTontheNet.com content regularly!  More info to come! 


I became a Certified Personal Trainer over ten years ago, indoctrinated in the world of bodybuilding and its training methods.  Looking back upon that time, I can’t help but think “if I had known then what I have come to learn over the past few years, I could have provided a lot more to my clients.”  Obviously, one can’t go back in time.  As an individual who has always been her toughest critic, I remind myself almost daily that I have grown tremendously since those days.  My training philosophy has changed dramatically, as I have let go of the obsessive, fanatical exercise mentality that kept me mentally and physically exhausted.  I feel that I am able to give my clients more than they expect, and this is what sets me apart from others in my field.  Not only has my training philosophy affected my own personal exercise program, but those I prescribe for my clients as well.  Long gone are the days of bodybuilding-style training programs, which focus on training body parts.  The human body doesn’t move by contracting a specific muscle group, instead, a “concert” of coordinated contractions from many muscle groups is required for movement.  Knowing this, it makes absolutely no sense for anyone to spend their time performing exercises that do not improve how their body moves and feels.  The “training movements, not muscles” philosophy is essential in developing integrated, progressive exercise programs for any individual. 

Aside from assisting them in their quest for better health and improved physiques, I am also able to educate my clients about the body and how it works.  I want my clients to understand the “how’s and why’s” behind every exercise I have them perform.  I feel that I cannot truly be of service to my clients if I do not help empower them so that they gain the confidence and know-how to continue exercising safely and effectively on their own.  I refuse to settle for being “up to par” with my peers, for I want to make a positive impression on people’s lives as well as the fitness industry!  Continuing education and a desire to learn are vital in this endeavor.  I would be lying if I said that I don’t love learning and the continual challenge it provides.  Knowledge is empowering, and in the fitness industry, if one does not adequately “arm” themselves with top-notch training methods, they simply cannot provide their clients with safe, effective, and challenging exercise programs.  I am always on the lookout for innovative ways in which I can best bring about results for each client I train.  A cornerstone of the integrated training approach to which I adhere is core stabilization and strength.  Pilates is a proven way of developing the core, and for years I have been intrigued by this form of exercise.  Gaining a better understanding of the Pilates method and having the opportunity to incorporate it into my clients’ programs will allow me to provide them with better service.  Ultimately, it will make me a more successful fitness professional.

Sarah E. Rippel, BS, CPT


October 11, 2005

I have created a blog!  Topics will be related to fitness & health...go figure, huh? :) I am adding a link:


September 27, 2005

I have added a "philosophy" page that outlines my perspective on personal training.


September 26, 2005

I made some revisions and added pictures to my bio page!


September 23, 2005

I added a link featuring one of my clients who was crowned Miss Louisiana Gulf Coast and will be competing this November for the Miss Louisiana crown!  Check out the links page!  Also, I am working on a new series of articles that will be posted in the upcoming weeks/months.


September 19, 2005NEW SITE COMING SOON!  http://sarahrippelfitness.tripod.com



June 17, 2005

One of my articles is now posted at realfitnessexperts.com.  Here is the link: :)


More to come!


June 8, 2005

A few of my fitness articles will be posted at realfitnessexperts.com soon.  I am working on more!  Finding the time to write has been difficult since my move to Louisiana, but I am making an effort.  I will post the new articles here on my website, of course, and will make an announcement on this page to let you guys know! :)  I have also responded to a fitness interview with Jim Coughlin, owner of Coughlin Fitness and Results, which will be included in his upcoming newsletter.  My responses to the interview questions are as follows:


Why did you choose to become a personal trainer? 

I made the decision to become a personal trainer when I was a freshman in college.  As a senior in high school I became wrapped up in anorexia and began exercising unhealthfully.  I joined a health club and worked with a trainer to get started.  I really began to get into exercising regularly, and started gaining strength as well as confidence.  It took me a while, but it became clearer and clearer to me that I was headed down a potentially-deadly road.  It was as if a light came on - I had found something positive that I had become passionate about, and I wanted to share this with others!  I believe that there is good that can come from any negative situation in life - is up to the individual whether or not they choose to grow or let it get the best of them.  Ten years later, i'm still personal training and have more passion for it than ever!


How are you different then other personal trainers? 

Obviously, as trainers we must be well-educated and stay abreast of current fitness trends.  I feel that the best trainers - the ones who inspire a passion for health and well-being in their clients - have something that no certification nor any degree can compensate for...a fire inside that challenges them to continually challenge themselves as well as their clients.  You can't fake passion!  Clients sense this motivation and it serves to keep the fires of motivation burning within them.  I feel that I am meant to be a personal trainer.  It just fits.  I look forward to coming to work every day, and I leave at the end of the day feeling fulfilled.  You can't beat it!


What is your biggest challenge that you face when training clients? 

Even after 10 years in the industry, I still find it difficult on some days to tough it out if i'm having a bad day...to put on a happy face, so to speak, and act like things are 100% wonderful!  Everyone has good and bad days, that's a fact of life...I don't however, let my emotions get the best of the time I spend with my clients on those bad days.  I make the best of it, and most often what ends up happening is my bad day makes a turnaround...I see improvement in a certain client, or a client is appreciative of my guidance, and that makes the day a whole lot better!


What are your strengths as a trainer? weaknesses? 

I am a perfectionist...especially when it comes to training my clients.  I tend to over-analyze things and I drive myself nuts!  If I think too much, I get stuck!  I must trust my instincts and not question myself too much.  It's good to question (and as an eternal skeptic I feel i'm doomed to question everything, lol), but I can tend to get bogged-down with trying to design the perfect program for each client.  I am also a motormouth...I tend to get on my soapbox about things...how much I dislike the weight-loss industry, for example.  A simple answer to a client's question can turn into a five-minute discussion!  My clients get tickled with me.  I limit the chit-chat during workouts as much as possible, but sometimes it just happens...can you tell that i'm quite verbose by the length of my answers to the interview questions? :)  Being both a perfectionist and a motormouth could be a downfall, but I have learned to turn these "weaknesses" into strengths.  My clients know that I put my heart and mind into every workout, and they take me seriously, but they are also able to see me laugh at myself, and are right there smiling with me.


What do you think of the ever popular Atkins Diet? 

I HATE IT!!!  Do I need to repeat that? lol :)  I can't stand diets.  I feel that the Atkins Diet is a short-term, unhealthy solution that feeds into our society's need for a quick-fix solution. 


What “question” do you come across most with clients?  lol..."How do I get to look like you?" Just kidding, although that one always makes me smile.  Most often, with new clients I am asked questions pertaining to the rationale behind what I refer to as "funky exercises"...functional movements.  I call them "funky exercises" because most new clients have no experience in performing them in a fitness setting...they are used to performing standard fixed-machine and dumbbell exercises.  I prefer a blend of functional training, core work, and standard "old school" training when it comes to my clients' strength training workouts. 


Who is your favorite fitness author? 

I have compiled a folder of as many Paul Chek articles as I can find!!!  He has an outspoken slant on the health and fitness industry that I "jive" with.  I also enjoy reading articles by Sherri Kwasniki-McMillan.  A few years ago I attended the IDEA World Fitness Conference and was able to attend several of her seminars.  I feel that she speaks from the heart and has a genuine interest in helping other personal trainers better themselves professionally. 


What is your advice for clients first starting a fitness program?  Don't try to overhaul everything at once!!!  What works is if you implement healthy changes into your lifestyle gradually...tackling each by itself, and acknowledging these little successes.  The results will come if you have a positive mindset, work consistently & diligently, and realize that it won't happen overnight! 


What type of training do you prefer, one-on-one or group? Why?  Definately one-on-one...because I can focus on each client.  It's less chaotic!  When I train friends or spouses together, it can be somewhat frazzling for me as a trainer because I want them to have the best workout...if they are chit-chatting here and there and we're using up valuable workout time, that bothers me.  A little talking is fine, of course, but I feel that a workout shouldn't be used as a social hour!  It should be fun, yet the intensity needs to stay up so that the workout is worth a client's time.  Aside from this, each client has their own specific goals, fitness level, etc...I feel the best way to guage proper workout intensity and provide the best routine consistently is to work with clients individually.


What are your personal goals for the future? 

I have SO many goals floating around in my head.  I consider myself to be one of those people who LOVES being in school.  I love to learn, and I enjoy the process of continually challenging and bettering myself through learning.  I have tried to get into med school but that didn't pan out, and it became clear to me that I didn't belong in the medical field (thank goodness I realized that before it was too late)!  I have seriously considered and have also worked towards Physical Therapy school.  More and more I realize that we, as fitness professionals, play a role that is not fully recognized...we preach preventative medicine.  Isn't it a lot easier to take care of our health from childhood onward, than to fall victim to the effects of abusing our bodies through inactivity and poor nutrition?  I want to write books.  I continue to write articles.  I have also thought seriously about getting my teaching certification.  I want to do the best job I am capable of doing, with whatever I am doing at the time.  I would like to continue on in the fitness industry by utilizing my background, knowledge, and expertise to accomplish something that sets me apart from my peers.  To make a long story short...I don't know specifically what I want to do when I grow up, lol, but the opportunities are there, and my brain is constantly nagging me to do more...to do more... :)