Dream Stealers
A topic more pertaining to my line of work, but can be applied to other situations...
Have you ever noticed the phenomenon where when one is focused on a goal...a dream...and is actively in pursuit of it,
others around them may not be all too happy?
It may be because they have tried and failed...maybe they have given up entirely...they just don't believe in themselves,
therefore they do not want to see another person happy in their quest of progress...
I was talking with one of my clients this evening regarding the subject...it is so important for anyone wanting to lose
weight to have a strong support system...friends, family, co-workers...when that support system is less than ideal, it can
mean failure for a person with a lot of weight to lose...they just don't have the positive reinforcement...they are bombarded
with opportunities to sabotage their efforts, provided by their so-called support system...
Their support system provides no support...
In any endeavor, not just weight loss, this is such a vital factor...although goals should be set by you and you alone...they
should come from the heart...you should know that you have others that are helping you pave the way to that ultimate outcome
by being there for you and not allowing you to make excuses or throw in the towel...
Kinda makes sense when you think of all the neglected children in this world...parents are nowhere to be found...off getting
into trouble or messed up on drugs or too selfish to care...these children have been given no reason to try...they have no
"safety net"...they are, in a sense, forgotten...a child's future...so bright and shiny and new...so many opportunities...so
much potential for growth...
Yet this is stunted b/c of the selfishness of others...
We all have dreams...goals...we hold them close to our hearts and no matter what stage we may be at in reaching those dreams...they
are our own...and no one can take them away...
Just something to think about :)